Why Outsourced Sex, Prostitutes and FWBs are probably not for you.

Age is catching up and you just don't wish to spend your golden years without at least having to try some pretty sweet young thing in your lifetime right? Moving away from all the porn, you probably want to have some non-committed, hassle-free fun with a sexy young thing without having to clean up the mess after. Fantasies and wild thoughts are always nice. If you are reading this, Its most likely I'm not going to convince you otherwise. However, here's from someone who's been there, done that, so are aware of what you are getting into.

Prostitutes. The no-Feeling experimentation

Social Escorts or Prostitutes

Unlike what you see in the telegram groups of fun and exciting sexcapades. The real thing comes no where as close. You are literally paying for a service. There is no real attachment. Realise that girls who don't need the money will not be there. Don't expect to get any real emotions or feelings out of there. If you are picky with your mate, you probably won't even be able to get it up. Those who've been there will know. 

Wanking from the comfort of your bedroom will probably bring you more excitement and satisfaction. These girls come with emotions, hard personality and a deperation to please. They are not there because they admire you or like you for who you are. They are doing so so they can get the money out of your pocket. Ever wondered why they don't even bother asking for your photos? Coz, it hardly ever matters to them.

Do not forget the risks you are taking up. These girls probably served more men in a week than you meeting up with friends. Well, I'm not saying all encounters are going to be like that. There are probably going to be 1 or 2 good ones. But there's a high chance, you are not going to get what you thought you might be getting. 

FWBs. The so-called "FREE" encounters.

Sex with FWB

So you posted an ad on Locanto, or maybe hook up with some girl on Tinder, or bumble. A few texts and she say she wants to meet for.. sex. Oh, you got lucky,.. or so you thought. Well,.. maybe. She probably takes into a liking for you after all the on-text chatting and sexting. But think about this. FWBs are just like you. Its called "friends with benefits" for a reason. You probably satisfy the "cash or sex" category. Your so-called FWB see you as someone who can satisfy their financial needs or carnal desires. Most of the times, its either one way or the other. Well, if you have some spare cash, its probably good. 

The actual on bed encounter is far from dream-like. Apart from being a logistical nightmare, handling hotel bookings, coordinating the time, buying meals or transporting her from the workplace. By the time, you reach the hotel, well... you are probably already drained. Also acknowledge that your FWB is probably looking for something different from you. The short time you guys know each other means you haven't yet know her preferences enough for both of you to have a closely intimate and meaningful session. 

colleagues turned fwbs

All that being said, I've seen friends-turned-FWBs and workplace FWBs turned into erotic sessions of passion. However, do understand how long that could take to truly understand the needs and interest of your other party. At the end of the day, this article is not to turn you off from your upcoming decision for relaxation and physical intimacy. Its more of a sharing of experience so that you can have a more accurate expectation of your next escapade. Life is short! Live it!

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