How to get Wet enough for Sex? Vanessa and Co launches Frictionless Lube for Sex

Nothing kills sex more than Dryness. Imagine having your man penetrate you while you are completely dry down there. This makes every thrust full of friction and just like rubbing against sandpaper.. ouch.

He might not say it, but, you know.. it hurts, both you and him. 

You are probably wishing you could just get a little wetter.. for him. Sometimes, it really isn't just an arousal problem. It could be your body's own retarded response to feelings and emotions. Many a times, you just can't help it. 

Should you have issues with a dry vagina, here are probably some of the more popular options you have tried:
  • KY Jelly 50g
  • Durex Play 100ml
However, these gel-based lubricants do little to help with lubricating your vagina. 

At AVtoys, our clients simply love our V&C shape up lotion from Japan. 

This lubricant is primarily crafted for Anal sex. By refining its formulation for use also in vagina sex, this has become the primary source of pleasure for our clients and beyond. 200ml of pleasure liquid to reduce friction, increase wetness on vagina walls and smoothen pores. This sex enhancing lotion have helped many of our clients to improve their sex life.  

Don't let the dryness kills. Get V&C Shape up lubricant today and see your sex life change for the better. 

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